
Politics and Whatnot…

Fox News Metric: Palin Wins Debate, Her Flag Pin Was Bigger (VIDEO)

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Yesterday morning Fox News declared Palin the “hands down winner” of the VP debate due partly to the fact that her lapel flag pin was “about three times the size” of the one worn by America hating commie, Joe Biden. 

Insinuations about Biden’s patriotism aside, Fox failed to note that Palin’s “pin” was in fact a jewel adorned broach, an item of jewelery usually worn by women— which may explain why Biden wasn’t wearing one.

Moreover please note that in the Presidential debate, America loving patriot John McCain was not wearing a flag pin at all, while the anti-American Muslim, Barack Obama was.

On that day Fox News failed to declare Obama the winner based on the fact that he was wearing a pin and McCain was not.

For VIDEO click here.

Written by gripedujour

Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 6:30 am

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  1. Governor Palin did very well for herself.

    Joe Biden merely did well for Obama.

    But I have not yet heard anyone from any side express any concern about the most dangerous possibility if Governor Palin is elected to national office.

    Burr Deming

    Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 7:23 am

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