
Politics and Whatnot…

Note To McCain Camp— You Don’t Give Yourself Nicknames

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Richie Rich and the Prom Queen seem unaware of a lot of things and one of ’em is that you don’t yourself nicknames. As any professional athlete, gangster, or wild west gunslinger can tell you nicknames are thrust upon you by those around you.

Trying to choose your own nicknames not only reveals you for the tool you are, but often illicts ridicule from those around you.

Here’s a laughingly inaccurate new ad released by Clown Shoes and his bitch (hey, she’s the one that wanted to be known as a pit bull) entitled “The Mavericks” (yeah, right KOKO)

How many lies can you find in this ad?

Written by gripedujour

Monday, September 8, 2008 at 8:36 am

2 Responses

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  1. Good point. They definitely wrote this commercial together. They probably had this wonderful brainstorming sessions about potential nicknames.

    NO. What are you, new? Does it really count as giving yourself a nickname if…hmmm…SOMEONE ELSE comes up with it?


    Monday, September 8, 2008 at 9:01 am

  2. ahh, the ad wars continue. Wrote a post on that —



    Monday, September 8, 2008 at 9:27 am

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