
Politics and Whatnot…

Posts Tagged ‘Family Values

Sarah Palin. Photoshopped.

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After the jump: a collection of more fake naked pictures of Sarah Palin floating around the interwebs— if you’re into that sort of thing.

However they’re not for kids (and mildly stupid), so think before you click.

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Written by gripedujour

Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 11:00 am

Sarah Kicked Bristol to the Curb over Pregnancy

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Here’s some fucking family values for you. In the form of more dirt from the new National Enquirer story, this time about Bristol and Sarah:

And as Gov. Palin has billed the state of Alaska for various expenses related to her children, as reported by The Washington Post, The ENQUIRER’s investigation reveals that she was so incensed by 17-year-old Bristol’s pregnancy that she banished her daughter from the house.

Another family friend revealed pre-prego Bristol was as much of a hard partier as Track was.
“Bristol was a huge stoner and drinker.  I’ve seen her smoke pot and get drunk and make out with so many guys. All the guys would brag that the just made out with Bristol.”

 When Sarah found out the teen was pregnant by high schooler Levi Johnston, she was actually banished from the house.  As part of the cover-up, Palin quickly transferred Bristol to another high school and made her move in with Sarah’s sister Heather 25 miles away!

For Bristol Palin drinking pics, click here.

Written by gripedujour

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 4:08 pm

Track Palin: Party Animal, Petty Criminal, Junkie?

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We now join our favorite new drama already in progress. In the latest installment of “The Palins– America’s Favorite White Trash Family” we focus on the ongoing parenting skills of Trailer Park Sarah as she navigates her way through affairs, teenage pregnancy, drunk daughters, lies about her own career, and a drug addled son.

Seems the liberal, elitist National Enquirer has more dirt on the prom queen and her brood.

Despite Tall Tale Sarah telling the world about her angel, Track and his heroic endeavor to enlist and ship off to Iraq, a more honest storyline is emerging. The scuttlebutt for days has been that Track is off to Iraq to avoid jail time for being such a fuck-up. Now the Enquirer brings down the hammer!

Seems Track (in addition to having a ridiculously stupid name) has quite a rep for partying with people who like to shoot their mouths off and the Enquirer was all-to-happy to jot down the dirt.

For the rest of the story and direct quotes from Track’s Clown Shoes Wearing Posse CLICK HERE.

Update: The National Enquirer May Have It Right (Again)!

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Couple days back a story broke that hot and slutty VP choice Sarah Palin had an affair with one of her husband’s former business partners. McCain threatened big time, rich boy legal shit and pretended it was all nonsense. Now comes word that this “ex-business partner” has just filed an emergency motion to have his divorce records sealed! Yikes!

Skeletons much, bitch?

The drama we all loved for years has been canceled. “The Clintons” will no longer be seen on this channel so that we may bring you the never-ending escapades of America’s newest white-trash political family, “The Palins”— Teenage Pregnancy! Drunk Kids on the Loose! Naked Pictures! Mad Affairs! Rednecks Aplenty! The Trailer Park’s Never Been So Much Fun!

Written by gripedujour

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 9:40 am

RNC Releases Ad Attacking Obama’s Stage (It’s all they got)

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Poor bastards. The prom queen is under fire for nude pics, adulterous affairs, a drunk knocked up daughter, and oh yeah, she’s not even close to being qualified! Oh well.

So what do those whining bitches at the GOP have in return? Obama’s stage sucked!

This from a group of people who can’t even tell the difference between Walter Reed Hospital and a Junoir High School.

Here’s their weak-ass ad. Watch once, puke, repeat.

Sarah Palin’s Lover?

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By now you’re familiar with the National Enquirer story that Princess Palin has been foolin’ around. Well, here’s the guy the National Enquirer thinks has been banging the prom queen. His name is Brad Hanson and here are some basic stats on the man from Palmer, Alaska:

Re-elected October 2005, with current term ending October 2008.

Council Member Hanson was elected by the City of Palmer voters to serve in October of 2002 and re-elected October 2005. His current term ends in October 2008.

Is facial hair, like mandatory in the state of Alaska? We know Bristol’s baby daddy favors the look. If Palin is elected will we all be forced to give up our liberal abortions, have pregnant teenage daughters and ordered to get down with the chin pubes?

Barack Obama Sits Down with a Sexual Predator

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Forget naked pictures of Sarah Palin, stories of adultery, and pics of her drunk daughter. For something really salacious (and semi-sick) watch as Barack Obama sits down with a Fox “News” sexual predator for an “interview”.

For reasons only known to God, you can see a real-live whore chaser and adulterer who has an affinity for rubbing Greek food all over women’s vaginas not only act as though he deserves to be sitting with a historic figure like Barack Obama, but seems as smug as a guy with a dildo “shaped liked a cockup his butt.

Vodpod videos no longer available.


more about “Barack Obama On “The O’Reilly Factor”…“, posted with vodpod

Palin Had an Affair?

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In the wake of the national media’s ass kissing of the prom queen based on the fact that she can actually read a teleprompter! News comes from one of America’s most reliable information outlets, The National Enquirer, that Sarah Palin (the gift that just keeps on giving) had an affair with a business partner of her husband.

True? We’ll find out… BUT the National Enquirer did get it right on John Edwards AND Rush Limbaugh’s drug addiction, so who’s to say?

After that speech of hers and the absolute B.S. it contained (someone please show me where Obama said he will not go after terrorists and if he does all he wants to do is read them their rights?) and her accusations that he’s a total wimp for being a one-time community organizer while she rocks ‘cuz she fired her chef (in Republican circles that’s HUGE!) that woman forfeited the right to whine about lies.

Anyhow, right now things in her personal life are just too dramariffic to pay attention to her stack of lies about Obama.

One thing about Sarah Palin that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE is what her soon-to be-son-in-law had to say: They are a bunch of rednecks. Teen pregnancy, a sauced daughter, high school drop outs, naked pictures, adulterous affairs? How’d they ever fit all that into the trailer park?


UPDATE:  To see picture of the guy The Enquirer think is Palin’s backdoor man, click here.

Written by gripedujour

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 10:37 pm

Sarah Palin Naked Pictures?

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Forget the Bristol Palin pictures. Check out the mom! I’ve heard that the B&W one may actually be Julia Louis Dreyfus

But the color one is clearly the Governor of Alaska and symbol to family values women everywhere.


Update: More And Better Sarah Palin naked pictures here.

Written by gripedujour

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 12:34 pm

Palin Fails as a Mother

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"I may Be Broke But at Least I'm not Flat Busted"

Seems Grandpa Simpson’s Prom Queen ain’t much of a mother after all.

Now, don’t get me wrong, having your teenager daughter get knocked up isn’t in itself the sign of a failed mother. Why, just look at Britney Spears’ mother and teenager daughter Jamie Lynn. Who among us could say that Britney’s mom didn’t do a great job?

No, that’s not it at all. Unfortunately the failed sportscaster turned politican has long since preached her beliief in eschewing sex-education in the schools of Alaska in favor of what? You guessed it, teaching ABSTINICE. How that work out for her? Um, not so well. The Palin people today announced that Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter is, in fact, sperminated.

Will Republicans aknowledge that their VP in go-go boots perfeclty illustrates yet another failed GOP idea? Can they see that they now have a poster child for the failure of abstinence preaching teaching as an effective policy against unwanted pregnancy? Or will they admit instead that Palin simply sucks as a mom? I mean, which is it?

Side note: Anyone care to guess what Rush Limbaugh, et al would say if in a few years Michelle Obama’s daughter turned up as a pregnant, unwed teenager? Cue the FOX “News” graphics and the “Baby Daddy” slurs.

Remind me, is hypocrisy a family value? ‘Cuz I know picking up dudes in bathroom stalls is. And of course, so is whore chasing and pill popping.

Written by gripedujour

Monday, September 1, 2008 at 11:28 am