
Politics and Whatnot…

Posts Tagged ‘meeting

Obama and Bill Clinton Set to Hug It Out

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When Obama comes to New York this week for the Sept. 11 anniversary and a “non-political” event (we’ll see) with John McCain, he’s going to go down to Harlem to do the pop-by on Bubba and the two men are all set to pretend like they’ve buried the hatched.

As you know, Clinton is pissed Obama hasn’t given him the props he feels he deserves as a former president and Bambi is pissed Bubba never took him seriously.

The scuttlebutt is that the two have been negotiating this meeting for weeks and that the meeting will consist of a lunch (with one aide each), and afterwards a possible a walk around the neighborhood.

Here’s what most folks believe was the ice-breaker between the two heavy-duty dudes:

Written by gripedujour

Monday, September 8, 2008 at 4:33 am