
Politics and Whatnot…

Track Palin: Party Animal, Petty Criminal, Junkie?

with 6 comments

We now join our favorite new drama already in progress. In the latest installment of “The Palins– America’s Favorite White Trash Family” we focus on the ongoing parenting skills of Trailer Park Sarah as she navigates her way through affairs, teenage pregnancy, drunk daughters, lies about her own career, and a drug addled son.

Seems the liberal, elitist National Enquirer has more dirt on the prom queen and her brood.

Despite Tall Tale Sarah telling the world about her angel, Track and his heroic endeavor to enlist and ship off to Iraq, a more honest storyline is emerging. The scuttlebutt for days has been that Track is off to Iraq to avoid jail time for being such a fuck-up. Now the Enquirer brings down the hammer!

Seems Track (in addition to having a ridiculously stupid name) has quite a rep for partying with people who like to shoot their mouths off and the Enquirer was all-to-happy to jot down the dirt.

For the rest of the story and direct quotes from Track’s Clown Shoes Wearing Posse CLICK HERE.

6 Responses

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  1. Who hasn’t smoked a little ganja in their past?


    Friday, September 12, 2008 at 2:58 pm

  2. did someone edit your blog and take down the “scuttlebutt”? i couldn’t access it.


    Friday, September 12, 2008 at 6:52 pm

  3. straighttalkexpresswatch, sorry about the problem. thanks for the heads up. Think I got it fixed now.


    Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 10:28 am

  4. All this is just typical tabloid lies… SARAH PALIN FOR VP 08!!!!!


    Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 4:37 pm

  5. I don’t know what is true or untrue about Sarah Palin’s family, but I do know the National Enquirer is TRASH. It’s the same one that features articles about alien cats and the end of the world.. So, that makes me lean towards discrediting this post.
    Also, I am more interested in Sarah Palin’s political record then her children’s personal problems.


    Friday, September 26, 2008 at 4:22 pm

  6. I always suspected the story behind Track was unsavory – you’d expect McCain’s machine to endlessly promote Palin’s son going to Iraq, but they strangely downplayed it – only an occasional mention. This story explains the republican campaign’s odd reticence on the subject.

    Look, every family has black sheep – sometimes it’s the luck of the genetic draw and sometimes it’s a freaking dysfunctional family behind the problem. I’ve decided the Palins fit the dysfunctional mode – there’s just too much weirdness going in that house for me to think otherwise.

    Any other mother with this much on her plate would say, “thanks, but no thanks,” if asked to take on an 80-hour-a-week job like campaigning for the vice presidency. That Palin accepted reflects badly on the way she priorities her family in her life. A pregnant teenager, a drug-addled delinquent son, a newborn with Down’s Syndrome? Most people facing just one of these problems would have toned down everything else in their lives to concentrate on helping their family. But not Palin. That she chocse to join the campaign speaks volumes about her selfishness and narcissism.

    Hope she’s saving enough money for all the therapy her kids are going to need later after Mommy forced them with all their mortifying faults center-stage nationally just to satisfy her bald ambition. What a jerk she is.


    Friday, October 3, 2008 at 12:14 pm

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