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Posts Tagged ‘Chelsea Clinton

Sean Hannity is a Lying Douche

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Here’s a chunk a video of Hannity doing what he does best— lying. This asshat has the sack to claim that, “nobody ever went after Chelsea.

Even by Fox “News” standards this is brazen. And that’s saying something.

Apparently Hannity has forgotten his red-faced tirade against Al Franken, when early in the first Bush term Franken had the nerve to bring up draft dodger Rush Limbaugh’s crude joke about Chelsea being the family dog. People literally had to hold Hannity back— he was so enraged and totally consumed by his semi-homoerotic defense of Limbaugh (claiming the joke was not Limbaugh’s fault).

Moreover, Hannity, who is paid millions of dollars a year by Fox “News” to be some sort of political mouth-piece seems to be unfamiliar with the record of his own party’s nominee, John McCain, who used to joke that,” Chelsea was so ugly because Janet Reno was her father.”

These are the comments the Republicans were making about a 13-year-old girl. But Hannity “doesn’t remember” any of it.

So is Hannity an overpaid hack, so unfamiliar with his own party’s recent political history that he can’t remember the words of its nominee for the Presidency of the United States of America— OR is he a lying douche bag who will say anything at anytime because he has no principles or morals?

You decide.

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Written by gripedujour

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 6:25 am

Bambi, You’re Scaring Me

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Bambi is taking the high road in the Palin unwed teenage pregnancy scandal and I applaud that. I really really do. Barack Obama is proving himself a man of honor and discipline. (He’s above all that knee-capping stuff, but I’m not.)

Ever take honor and discipline to a knife fight? Tell you what, next time you’re in a street brawl take the high road, then call me and let me know how it goes. I’ll be waiting…. forever.

Unfortunately, John Kerry took the high road in ’04 and look how that turned out. If there’s one thing I quasi-admire about the Republicans is that they will kick an old lady down a flight of stairs to win an election on the local PTA board— let alone the Presidency of the United States of America. Don’t believe me? Just ask John McCain.

By Obama not responding, he risks letting the GOP frame the argument to their liking and believe me, they will. They’re already busy making it about Obama, not Palin. She’s now the victim of the scurrilous left-wing rumor mongers.

Obama says that kids are off-limits. Tell that to the GOP. Bambi is naive if he thinks he sets the rules. He doesn’t. He better get on this shit soon or by morning the entire scandal will be his fault and CNN et al will be playing right along.

So ok, lay off the kids. Speak to the failed policies of abstinence, Palin’s judgement, AND if you want to get all GOP on their ass, her mothering skills. (Imagine what they’d of done to Hillary Clinton if Chelsea turned up pregnant in the 90s.)

It’s like Jon Stewart said, “Shit on Them!

If the shoe was on the other foot FOX “News” would be plastering this shit 24/7. Fuck the hurricane! We’ve got sex, teenagers, and famous politicians!

We are in a bare knuckled fight for the future of the greatest country on earth…. and we don’t get to set the rules. And unfortunately, against these motherfuckers, we don’t get to take the high road.

I hate to say it, I hate that this is what it takes, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Remember what happened a couple weeks ago when Bambi didn’t fight back against that celebrity nonsense? If he keeps taking the high road, by the end of next week they’ll be saying Obama knocked this kid up on his way to a madrassa after attending an arugula eating contest.  

So get in there Bambi, let ’em fucking have it. They’d do the same to you.

Written by gripedujour

Monday, September 1, 2008 at 5:26 pm